Getting To The Root Of Things: Debunking Common Root Canal Myths

Many myths exist surrounding root canals and it's important that you have correct information to make an informed decision. Many people worry about the procedure and pain that is often associated with a root canal, but what they don't know is the infection in the tooth is what causes most of the pain. If you want to save a tooth, get the root canal because your tooth and roots are not removed. By recognizing the following myths, you can properly prepare for a root canal.

Do You Believe Pain is Associated With a Root Canal? 

Pain has been associated with root canals for decades. However, the pain is actually caused by an infection in a tooth, not the root canal treatment. With modern technologies and anesthetics, the process is no more painful than replacing a filling. A severe tooth ache prompts a visit to the dentist or endodontist. Recent surveys indicate six times more people who have had root canal treatment are prone to say it is painless versus those who did not have the treatment.

Remember, the tooth is the cause of the pain and the pain will be relieved by the root canal. The painless procedure begins with a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissue. If you are anxious or afraid of the procedure, most dentists can offer nitrous oxide as a calming medication.

Do You Believe Illness May Occur After Root Canal Treatments?

Patients who believe the treatment causes illness dates back to the 1920s with Dr. Weston A. Price, long before many diseases were understood. Poor researching designs and patients searching the Internet for answers may be the reasoning of why many people believe this myth. In that era, tooth extraction was considered a traumatic procedure versus endodontic treatment


No scientific or valid evidence exists to link any disease with your body in association with root canal treatment. The procedure is effective and safe, and it works by eliminating bacteria from the infected root, and prevents reinfection of the gums or tooth to save the natural tooth. You do have an alternative--extract the tooth and forget the root canal. However, once the tooth is removed, you will either live with the new hole in your mouth; get implants, or other cosmetic surgery. Do yourself a big favor. Get the treatment and keep your natural teeth whenever you have the option to do so.

For more information, contact a professional like Hurst Family Dental.
