Taking care of your teeth shouldn't be just a childhood concern or an adult concern. Oral health is important for everyone young and old and should be a concern for your entire family. To help keep you and your family's dental health in shape, read on for dental care tips.
Infant Dental Health
Infants may not have teeth, but they do have teeth lying below the surface of their gums. Their gums and the teeth below the surface should be cared for to prevent oral health issues and to prevent any issues with their teeth when they do finally come in. Use a warm washcloth to gently rub your infant's gums to remove plaque and residue left behind from milk or baby food. The washcloth is a good way to help with teething as well, as your infant will chew on the washcloth, and the extra pressure can soothe sore gums.
Toddler Dental Health
When your child is over the age of 2, you can use a toddler toothbrush and a very small amount of training toothpaste to brush the teeth your child has and to brush their gums as well. Brush your child's teeth for them, and allow them to use it themselves while supervised. Only use training toothpaste, which doesn't contain fluoride. At this point, you should be taking your child to the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.
Child Dental Health
At around the age of 4 or 5, you can start using fluoride toothpaste (talk to your pediatrician or dentist about using fluoride toothpaste). Only use a small amount (about the size of a grain of rice) on your child's toothbrush and help your child brush. Your child can begin brushing themselves at around the age of 5 or 6. Continue to help your child brush and make sure they are brushing the back sides of their teeth and their gums as well.
Teenage Dental Health
Teenagers have all of their adult teeth, and you should still be taking them to the dentist every 6 months for a dental exam and cleaning. If your child has any issues such as crooked teeth or is in need of spacers or some sort of orthodontic service, your dentist can suggest this and an orthodontist to have this work done. Keep an eye out for cavities and be sure your child is eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and staying away from junk food.
Adult Dental Health
Adults tend to skip out on their own dental health and ignore issues with their teeth. Be sure you are also taking care of your teeth and setting a good example for your children. You should also be seeing the dentist every 6 months for an exam and cleaning. Be sure you are eating and drinking a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and you are also staying away from foods and drinks that can cause dental issues such as sugary drinks or caffeinated beverages. Remember to brush your teeth twice daily and floss every day.
Your entire family should be taking good care of their oral health, both the young and the old. Talk to your dentist about other helpful tips to care for your family's dental health. Reach out to a family dentistry near you to learn more.