Preparing Your Autistic Child For Orthodontics

As children age, it isn't uncommon for a dentist or orthodontist to recommend braces or other corrective orthodontics. For parents of autistic children, however, the prospect of braces can be a stressful one. Autism spectrum disorder can cause sensory perception issues and a dislike for changing routines, both of which can be triggered by orthodontics and potentially even lead to upsetting meltdowns. Thankfully, many autistic children adjust to their braces quickly and easily, but you can help improve the process by following these four steps along the way.

Addicted To Chewing On Ice? It's A Warning Sign Of Anemia, Which Can Lead To Gum Disease

Relentlessly chewing on ice is like a wrecking ball wreaking havoc in your mouth. Crunching down repeatedly on hard ice cubes can damage your teeth by causing them to crack or break. But there's another thing that you need to be aware of if you are addicted to chewing on ice—iron deficiency anemia, which can cause gum disease. Here's what you need to know. Ice Chewing Addiction Is a Warning Sign of Anemia

4 Common Dental Restorations Explained

When you get cavities, there are several types of dental restorations that your dentist can use to stop the decay. But what are the different dental restorations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? This article will explain four of the most common restorations. Talk to your dentist if you have any questions or need help deciding which one is best for you. 1. Composite fillings Composite fillings are the most common procedure dentists use to repair cavities.

4 Reasons You Should Wear A Mouth Guard Nightly If You Suffer From Bruxism

People who grind their teeth as they sleep at night suffer from a condition called bruxism. The grinding is unintentional and may also occur during the day at times of stress. If you suffer with nightly episodes of dental grinding, it is important to wear a mouth guard nightly. Here are a few reasons why: You lessen your chance of developing a crap or chip in a tooth. As your teeth are ground together during a period of bruxism, the pressure can cause the structural integrity of a tooth to be compromised.

Paying For Your Child's Braces

At the most recent trip to the dentist, you were informed that your ten-year-old child needs braces. The good news is that, after treatment, your child will have a dazzling smile. The bad news is generally the cost. Braces usually range somewhere between $1800 and $6500, a hefty price tag for many Americans. Unfortunately, insurance often doesn't pay all or any of the cost of orthodontics. You do not need to panic, however.